Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The red coats are coming . . .

The red coats are coming, or at least they were. My girls all have the cutest red puffer coats, yes all three of them. And all though I already have a red peacoat, I really wanted a red puffer coat. That's right. I'm one of those matchy matchy types.

So can you imagine the excitement that I had when I found this little number on GAP's website >>>>>
and for only $49.99! (which is half off)
Believe me, there was a bunch of whooyahs and jumping ups and downs. I put it in my cart, got distracted with the "free shipping if you add something from Piperlime to your order" and by the time I got back to checking out to the adored object>>>>>>
and since I am neither a XS or an XXL, I am extra out of luck. UGH.

Stinks doesn't it?

So if you are reading this and you were one of the lucky ones to get my dream coat in my favorite color, I would be more than happy to take it off your hands. I need it in a Medium.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome to the World of Webkinz . . . .

I don't know what hold Costco has on me, but its an extreme one. If they carry something, I figure it must be something that I need and so I get it. Well this time it was all about the Webkinz. Costco had the webkinz packaged by the twos and were selling them at a heck of a good deal. So what do I do? I lead my kids down the aisle and let them show me which ones they can't live without. Bad idea.

Remember the part about Costco packaging the webkinz in bundles of two? They're brilliant. Out of the, oh I don't know--hundreds of packages that we looked through, not
one of the packages contained a webkinz duo that was wanted by more than one of my daughters. The result of course was me buying three bundles. Bright side? Birthday presents bought and paid for.

Without further ado, please welcome the newest members of our family:

I must admit that I am lovin' the webkinz thing for many reasons. My kids are no longer begging for a dog is among the top of the list. And I can use precious Webkinz play time as ultimate bribing power to get chores done, I seriously got my girls to clean up all of the toys in the basement for 20 minutes each of playtime. To learn more, click here

Now for the confession....
I think I am addicted to Webkinz. There has got to be a help group for moms like me who innocently start helping their kids out on Webkinz web sight and then find themselves playing the games, or decorating their kid's pet's room and find themselves, hours later, still playing. Both Nicole and Kaydee have caught me
TWICE playing on their webkinz without asking. Embarrassing, I know.

oh and hun, my birthday is coming up in just a few short months . . . . that Panda sure is cute . . .

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More teeth . . .

We are losing teeth left and right in the Debra Lea household. It must be something in the water.

Nicole just lost one of her not so smallish teeth which means she is closer to growing up than I previously suspected AND she did not want the tooth fairy to wait until the 24th of Dec. (a.k.a. Christmas Eve) to bring her the long awaited crisp dollar bill that she worked so hard on earning.

Oh the differences of kids. One wants to lose her tooth the minute it becomes loose, the other wants it to take a month. One wants the tooth fairy to come right away, the other wants her to take her time. One is begging me to take her to the store right now . . . .

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Gloria's Little Italy revisited . . .

Remember this post? It was just me raving about my favorite little Italian restaurant in Provo that serves the post amazing food known to man.

Well, drum roll please....

Its opening its new doors at it's NEW location on MONDAY December 15th.

What is the new location you ask? I'm happy to oblige:
its right on the
corner of Center and University Avenue in Provo.
North East side.

anyone need a night out?

update . . .

This just in . . .

The Tooth Fairy did indeed come last night, but she didn't take the tooth. She left a shiny quarter which we think means that our plan worked.

She'll be back for Christmas Eve!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy . . . .

Don't worry, I rated this post:

E for everyone. No need to run the little ones out of the room before you devour this post because its not what you think.


Its about how my extremely adorable Kaydee lost another one of her extremely adorable teeth. It had been loose for days, no more like weeks but she refused to pull it out. You see, she had this incredible idea that if she waited to lose her tooth until Christmas Eve, the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus would come to our house the same night and they might even run into each other and then she would be the reason why the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus would finally meet!

Quite an amazing plan if you ask me, there's just one huge problem with it-- she has me for a mother. Me, a.k.a. the overly paranoid mother that kept a way too close eye on the ever loosening tooth and was sure if it stayed in her droll little mouth one more night she would swallow it whole.

Needless to say, Kaydee lost her tooth tonight. It wasn't all that bad. The other two girls and I cheered Kaydee on for a good two hours past normal bedtime to get the duty done. The new plan? We put the tooth in a bag with a request for the Tooth Fairy:

"Dear Tooth Fairy, Please don't come to take my tooth until December 24th.
Thank you, Kaydee"

We wrote 'Dec. 24th' instead of Christmas Eve in the request on purpose in hopes that the Tooth Fairy won't remember that they are one in the same dates, that way she will be totally surprised to see Santa when she comes. Cross your fingers. I hope our plan works.

Stay tuned ....

Todays blog post was brought to you by the letter . . . .

I don't know what started Natalie's fascination with the letter W, but she is obsessed with it. She is constantly climbing onto my lap while I am at my computer just to reach over and tap on the "W" key. She finds it in books or on bill boards, product labels, in stores, etc. etc.

I just don't get it.

W is not even in her name.

Maybe that just it. Maybe "W" is just so intriguing to her because of its anonymity. Maybe she will use it as her pen name when she becomes a famous author or her signature when she is in her artistic stage. Better yet, maybe, just maybe it will be worn on her super hero cape--in various shades of yellow of course-- and "W" will be the only way people won't assume it is actually my Natalie...because its not even part of her name. And so when she saves all those people in need, she will be able to do it with out revealing her true identity.

ya, that has got to be it.

I guess I had an infatuation with the letters 'g' and 'y' once. It was when I was learning cursive. but that was just for a couple of months and for obvious reasons. I turned out normal, right?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I love my man. . . .

Greg just told me that I'm pretty.
That just made my night.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Good news . . .

Just for the record...

I absolutely love it when teachers take time out of their extremely busy schedules to let parents know of the positive things that their kids are doing.Today I was one of those lucky parents.
Today Nicole's teacher stopped what he was doing just to tell me how amazing my daughter has been doing lately and what a good kid she is.

Way to go Nicole!

its not practical but its sure cute . . .

This is Natalie's dream car and I bet you can't guess why. I don't think it has much to do with it's adorable curved shape or the big round headlights. Although it might.
I think it has everything to do with the bright shade of SUNSHINE it comes in.

Natalie spotted this lil' beauty in a parking lot today and she was positive that we no longer needed our yucky pearly blue van anymore. The dual tvs, sun shades, or swivel and go seats weren't even competition when she compared it with beeing seen in something like as cool as the VW bug.

When I broke the news to her that sadly, we were not going to get that car, she responded with:

"But Mom, it's my favorite color."

Please help me be strong when she's 16.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

and she plays soccer too . . .

I'm playing soccer.
I know.... I totally agree.... I think there must be something majorly wrong with me to start up a new sport at my age.

After playing my first two games I have been reminded or totally convinced of a couple of things:
  • I am not as young as I think I am
  • I can talk myself out of throwing up
  • I bruise way too easily
  • Competitiveness is my nature. I enjoy slamming into the other team WAY too much and I am willing to sacrifice my body or breath in order to block that ball.
  • I need both of my eyes to work harmoniously to play soccer.
  • It's embarrassing when you kick the air and not the ball.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh Katy!

This post is for my good friend Katy O.

I just wanted to say that I am Oh so grateful for the gift that you and Ellie gave Natalie last year. Even though I get to hear the dang thing go off every three seconds, I will NEVER tire of hearing it's joyful tune. Argh!

Thank you.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Nanners . . . .

There are so many reasons I love my Nanners and I think after you read the following, you'll be in agreement when I say that she is one of the cutest three year olds ever.

example one:
Being three, Natalie can be, um, lets say curious. She is constantly testing boundaries or experimenting or getting into things or. . . etc. Whenever she gets caught, I hear, "Sorry mom, I won't do it again." in her sweet sing song voice. Awe, that would be just so darn cute if she actually meant it. :)

Example 2:
Natalie was helping herself to some tortilla chips.
Greg: Natalie that's too much.
natalie: I want three much chips!

example 3:
We were having rice with our dinner the other night and Natalie kept asking for a taste. "Mom, I want a taste", she would say while she was pointing to her dinner plate. I was ultimately confused by what she was asking until she jumped up from the table, opened the fridge and pulled out the Worcestershire Sauce. Ooooh, she wants some Soy Sauce. I got the soy sauce out and put some on her rice. Her reply?

Example FOUR:
Her favorite color is yellow. and has been for years.

ex. 5:
She says things like 'gee thanks mom'
how 'bout...
preceding anything that she is trying to change my mind on.... like last night at bedtime it was
"how 'bout (pause for dramatic emphasis) five more books"

example six: (my favorite)
I took Natalie and Kaydee to the Halloween parade at the elementary. During one of the longer dryspells between grades she was getting a little restless so I skimmed through the pictures from the parade for her. I showed her the picture of the principal and said look Natty, a wizard.
"No, It's Jesus."
hmmm. well there you go.

and for my next trick . . . .

Last night, while Greg and I were watching a movie we kept hearing a THUMP thump on the wall. Greg went to investigate. What he found was Kaydee unsuccessfully trying to climb the wall--in her sleep. Oh Kaydee.

The best part was when we told Kaydee this morning about her acrobatic attempts during the night. She laughed and laughed until she was practically rolling on the floor.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

daddy daughter shindig . . .

Nicole took Greg on a date.
Not just an ordinary date, mind you, but an extraordinary superb one with her activity days' group of chums. Nicole looked absolutely adorable as a 'fair maiden' and Greg looked stunning as . . . well. . . as himself.

While they were gone, I was lucky enough to play Princess Memory with these beauties and enjoy their silliness over dinner. I'm such a blessed mama!

Nicole couldn't contain her excitement when they came home. They bobbed for apples, had pillowsack races, did something with music and numbers and most especially had a ton of fun. Not only did she surprise us with pumpkin pie and cookies, she shared her stash of goodies and prizes. That's my girl.

some normalcy . . .

Life is getting back to normal.

I think that is a good thing?

I am no longer fighting migraines...just really bad headaches--and the urge to scream. and my kids are trying to get used to the idea that I'm their mom again.

Life is good.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The birthday boy . . .

It was Greg's birthday, two days ago. Do you want to know how I celebrated?

I slept in until 10:40 am . . . . Greg got up early, woke Nicole up and got her ready for school, made breakfast, filled her lunch box, and drove her to school.

I ate a pancake . . . . Greg made the pancakes and oatmeal, did the breakfast dishes and got Kaydee ready for school.

I drew Natalie a couple of pictures . . . . Greg tried to get some work done, but had to take over drawing the pictures so I could lay down.

I took a 3 hour nap . . . . Greg played with Natalie and got her to take a nap, worked until Nicole came home, started her on her homework and picked up Kaydee from school.

I vacuumed the rug . . . . Greg ran to the post office to send off my package.

I ate a delicious dinner . . . . that Greg's mom made. While Greg helped the girls at the table with their plates and food. Then did the dishes.

I laid on the couch . . . . Greg got the kids ready for bed, then went to Costco to get some grocery essentials.

I put my kiddos to bed . . . . Greg went to Walgreens --twice. and waited nearly two hours to pick up yet another prescription for me.

I reacted to the new medicine . . . . Greg held me, trying to make it all better.

Happy Birthday my love.
I'm sorry.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

That's not exciting . . .

Kaydee loves surprises.

and if you mix a surprise with her being the only one to know about it, Kaydee squeals with joy. Often times to get her to do things we bribe her with such things as telling her about a surprise that only she can know about, for at least the time being anyway. Today was no different.

Kaydee was in the tub before church and needed her hair washed...but there were very strong emotions against such an event. She was liking the tub too much to wash her hair and get ready for church. Greg, bless his heart, was trying to finish with his lesson preparations and get the girls ready all the while I am lazily lying in bed still. Since Kaydee was being less than agreeable and they were in a hurry, he decided to pull out the big guns... he had a secret surprise that was in the backyard that he had bought last night. She washed her hair right away.

When Kaydee got out of the tub she was allowed to go see the surprise. She ran to the back door and returned to Greg a few moments later with a dusgusted look on her face.

"That's just a BBQ dad, that's not really an exciting surprise."


"But if it was a trampoline it would be..."

Greg and I thought it was a supberb surprise. -sigh-

an update: after lots of drugs and an MRI on my brain I've now decided that my migraine has now been downgraded to a major headache with nausea, sound sensitivety and loopeyness...which is much better than a migraine. I guess.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

migraines suck . . . .

is the number of days I've had this migraine.

is the number of times they had to poke me at the urgent care to get an IV in me. I'm a hard stick. that was
5 days ago

is the number of times that I cried today.

Is the number of days left to prepare my sacrament meeting talk.

No, I'm not kidding.

I need this pain gone.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

and another thing . . .

If anyone has any good ideas on how to cure a migraine . . . please please PLEASE let me know.

Six days
of them are more than I can handle.
So far the following have not worked:
  • Exedrin Extra Strength
  • Advil Migraine
  • Motrin
  • Ice Pack on my neck
  • Code Red Mountain Dew
  • Hiding under two blankets, wearing sunglasses and plugging my ears.
  • Making my kids whisper and tiptoe around me

Just keep jumpin . . . .

We went Jumpin'.

We had a ton of fun.

Thank goodness for friends' birthdays and Monday night discounts :)

and yes, I know... I have no pictures of us actually jumping.
But at least I remembered to take pictures before everyone drove off, right?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Gloria's . . . oh and a girl's night out

If you ever find yourself in downtown Provo, you should definitely make it a point to visit Gloria's Little Italy. I am in love with this little gem of a restaurant. It seriously has the best Italian food ever made and their authentic Gelato is heaven and worth every penny.

Gloria's Little Italy is so good, in fact, that when I took some of my chums out to eat the other night I overrode their decision on where to go-- even after I told them that I was NOT going to decide this time. Ya, I'm that kind of friend. Hopefully they forgave me? Especially after how awesome the waiter was and how incredible the food tasted . . .

Other than the bossy driver (me) the girl's night out was awesome. I had tons of fun catching up and chatting with the amazing ladies that I am lucky enough to call friends. One of the highlights? When Kehaulani admitted that she had a nap before we left . . . she knows how late I like to keep her up talking. :)

and I forgot to take pictures. grrr.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

my brother got married . . .

My brother got himself sealed to the most darling girl ever. I am so extremely excited to have Rachel Nellie join the family.

The Blessed day's re-cap:

Even at 5:12 am..... yes, 5:12 am! I could tell it was going to be a beautiful September day. 5:12 am was supposed to be when I was finishing up my girls hair to be picture ready for the day. However, 5:12 am was the time I got out of bed panicked because I had slept in. I can't even imagine what time Rachel got up to get ready for her 7:00 am wedding at the Salt Lake Temple.

6:54am was the time that Greg dropped my girls and me off on the North side of Temple Square so he could park the car. The girls and I then proceeded to RUN down the street and around the corner to find the entrance to the temple, let me tell you doing this in 3" high heels and herding 3 little girls is no small feat. I dropped the girls off with their cousins in the 'youth room' in the Temple's waiting room, had the nice temple worker look and scan my recommend and SPEED WALKED as reverently as I could to take off my shoes and entered the room where my youngest brother would be sealed to his bride for all time and eternity--with just minutes to spare. But not to worry... my sister was running just as behind and she and her husband walked in about five minutes after me. Her lame excuse? One of her kids threw up. I thought my sleeping in was such a better reason to be late ;)

Greg came hurrying in right after Boyd and Rachel (The groom and bride) walked in. My husband, the hero for parking the car, looked so handsome rushing in like that. Oh how I love that man!

The sealing was absolutely wonderful. I got teary eyed like I always do when I feel the LOVE that our Father in Heaven has for us.

Afterward, I retrieved my kids from the waiting room and headed outside for pictures.

I seriously think Natalie thought the photo session was for her.

(this picture brought to you by my brother Dave making silly faces behind the picture taker)

And in between the pictures, I made paper super frogs...... A LOT of paper super frogs.

11:00am came around and it was time for the chow. The food was set, we were just waiting for everyone to show. We waited,

and waited
and w a i t e d

and had a blast doing it. The kids ran around, played with the napkins (hopefully their own), and eyed the dessert table. and we chatted.

We had rolls and salad and whipped jello salad and baked potatoes and the most amazing ham-- I was told the ham cooked for 14 hours wrapped in spices and 7 layers of aluminum foil. It was delish! Oh and the desserts.... YUM!

And for those that were wondering if Greg actually had fun at the Wedding Breakfast . . .
He SURE did!

The reception was just as lovely. It was so fun to see relatives and ol' neighbors and friends. Rachel's parents yard looked fabulous and the weather couldn't have been better. The food fantastic. I even got blamed for decorating my brother's car. As for pictures, I was a slacker.... do you blame me? I was up at 5:12am.

Oh and Boyd . . . . if you are reading this . . . .
I didn't touch your car ;)