Saturday, April 26, 2008


I think my dating skills are a little rusty . . . last night Greg and I actually got a babysitter so we could go out with some friends, but then our friends couldn't find a babysitter so Greg and I went out alone. We drove around for nearly three hours trying to think of something to do that wasn't the same ol' going out to dinner routine... we couldn't come up with hardly a thing! Gosh, we used to think up some great ideas all of the time--I guess I'm just not the wild and crazy girl that I used to be ;)

So I am asking, no, actually I am begging anyone reading this to give me some dating ideas... please?


Katy said...

Go to a club!! :P

In fact, if you do...please invite us, I'd love to see Greg's killer moves...I feel like I've gotten a small taste of them from Jib Jab!!

Did you think about going to a play? I love plays.

deleted said...

Date? What's a date????? Pass along any good ideas to me and Court we always just do dinner and a movie. We actually hit the drive in with the kids almost every weekend!

sweet pickles said...

Sorry, no help here. We're big fans of the traditional dinner and a (insert something here) but as long as dinner is involved, I'm happy.

deleted said...

I tagged you - see my blog for details!

{leah} said...

We'll do ice cream and a walk. Window shopping for things we can't afford. Test drive cars that we'll never buy. We like to go to the modle homes and get ideas for our home. Those are some.

I did this "tag" a little while ago, you can go see it it you want. Thanks for tagging me :)