Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Um, Ouch . . .

More than five months of pain have finally brought me to a point in my life that I thought I'd never venture. I'm taking advice AND I'm allowing people to help me. -Sigh- What will ever become of me? So if you have a suggestion on how to get rid of these delightful migraines and more than enjoyable headaches, now's your chance to let it all out because yes, I'm that desperate. So far I've tried everything from high density vibrations, different medications, massage, hiding under a blanket etc, etc. .  

And now I'm onto physical therapy. 

Physical Therapy just might be the cure that I've been searching for. And just to make sure I'm doing things right, I'm seeing two different physical therapists because again, I'm that desperate...  I just don't think I was fully prepared for the joys that come along with the therapy.  Here are just a few of the examples:  
  1. Even after telling the therapist that I really enjoy having my head attached to my neck he sometimes seems determined to not let that happen.  
  2. Bursting out in full belly laughter because of the uncontrollable muscle spasms that occur when hooked up to the electrical stimulation machine.
  3. When the P.T. says, "you'll feel a little pop" what he is really trying to say is "this is going to feel like I'm breaking 34 bones in your back, sorry" 
  4. My nerves don't like being bothered with electrical shocks followed by iced spray. I bet yours wouldn't either. Trust me on this one. 
After seeing three different P.T.s,  all three of 'em agree on one thing though... I'm messed up-- in a major way.  Nice, just what any woman wants to hear. 

Now just a couple more months of this bliss and I just might feel better. 


Jodi said...

AAGH! You poor thing! I used to work as a physical therapist assistant, so I can understand what you're going through! I remember people coming in their first couple of times and thinking that they won't ever get better and then they have a breakthrough and the migraines go away...there is hope, my dear! Which therapists are you going to? I used to work for Hand and Orthopedic and their main therapist there, Steve, is incredible! If you don't see any progress, I definitely recommend them. I sure hope you see progress, though! Migraines are horrible!

beth said...

I'd be very surprised if the PT didn't cure the headaches. I've done all those weird things you listed and I even got so sick of going, but the key is don't stop just because you feel better. Let the doc keep working the magic. And be honest about if you still feel pain or whatever. I hope you feel better soon!

Angee said...

good luck! i hope you get better so i can babysit your kids again! i miss them! :)
