Tuesday, April 14, 2009

gottcha. . .

uh, No mom .... I did not get into your beautiful teal eye liner without asking and that is not why I am hiding behind the couch....


Unknown said...

I bet that was fun to clean off! :) She is so hilarious! Tell the kids hi for me, OK?

Andrea said...

That is so cute! You never got back to me about the weight loss thing!

Marce said...

what a little stinker! looks like a deadly bruise from far away :)

Jessica said...

Okay, so the question of the day is why on earth do you have teal eyeliner? I'm just sayin...

Debra said...

Kenzie, the kids miss you so much and Greg and I need a night out soon. You'll be hearing from us for sure. :)

Andrea, I'm such a flake! I'm still interested, for sure. I love competition, especially if it'll make me lose weight ;)

Marce, word for the wise... keep all make up locked up before Ellie gets wise to how to get to yours.

Jessica, you can borrow it anytime you want :)

Lynne said...

I love it! Especially the hiding behind the couch part.