Friday, February 1, 2008


I truly am married to the most wonderful man in the world. I was reminded of just how great my husband is by one of my dear friends (thanks Katy O.) the other night when I was asked if Greg ever did our girls hair. Of course he has, but I had totally forgotten the following experience until Katy revved my memory:

I try my hardest to be on time for things, I really do . . . I'm just not very good about achieving this goal. I've tried everything from setting my watch ahead 5 or even 10 minutes, setting clothes out the night before, packing diaper bags and backpacks way before I need them, etc. So when the time changed in the fall of 2006 I had the most brilliant idea . . . I was going to leave all of our clocks on the old time so that in the rush of getting up and out the door in the morning I would forget that I had not changed the clocks and therefore even though I would be running 10 minutes late I would actually have another 50 minutes. Of course Greg knew I did this and being the patient person he is, went along with my crazy notion.

My idea was seeming to work--that is until about two weeks after the time change when I came home late from exercising to a frazzled hubby frantically combing through our daughter's hair, trying to get her to eat breakfast and dressed for school while juggling our other two girls at the same time. As I walked through the door I was greeted with a "Honey, um, do you know what time it is?" spoken in a slow, steady voice. Me," Ya, its an hour before school starts..." Apparently in his sleepiness that morning he had looked at our alarm clock (with the wrong time), panicked, woke up the kids, fixed breakfast, and gotten the kids mostly ready for the day all the while just wondering why his wife was taking so long at the gym. :)

Oh how I love my husband!

I can still picture him frantically combing Nicole's hair, trying to figure out how the barrette is supposed to work. :)

1 comment:

Katy said...

I blog-stalked you...and found you!! This is my favorite all time story about Greg!