Friday, February 22, 2008

time to pack our bags . . .

We did it . . . we FINALLY sold our house! Well, almost... our buyers are axiously waiting for Wednesday when we hand over the key. It's a funny thing though, you would think since we've been trying to sell for so long that we would be ready to go with all of our bags packed and our goodbyes said and at least a plan of where we were heading. HA! I just wish I was that on top of things. No, I would describe myself to be in more of a sheer PANIC with maybe a hint of feeling a lot overwhelmed.

I don't know why I am overwhelmed even . . . 2 weeks is ample time to pack, look for another place to live, plan and pull off a ward party, enjoy my brother's wedding, transfer school records, look for another preschool and gymnastics place, make dinner for a new mom and dad, run out of gas, get the house inspected and apraised, re-assure my kids that we won't forget to pack their toys and yes, we will make lots of new friends in the new place, cheer BYU on in an AMAZING basketball game against the U, and say goodbye to all the wonderful people we have had the priviledge to know while living here --sigh-- I'm just sure glad that Heavenly Father truly listens and answers prayers even if they are coming from a partially insane woman right now. ;)

And right now (2:43 am on Friday morning) my house is a wreck with unpacked items and boxes everywhere, preparations for our Ward's party (that Greg and I are in charge of tomorrow) in the midst of it all, my kids and hubby sound asleep and all I can think of is the need to blog all of this. I guess my "partially insane woman" statement from above should probably read "way crazy lady" instead.

Six years . . . we've had so many memories, learning experiences, and trials. We've lasted through two really tough pregnancies, a back surgery, 2 pet bunnies, a couple of jobs, and tons of fun. We've made lots of great friends and even a couple of enemies and I am going to miss 'em all so very, very much. Gosh, every time I look out the window I get all choked up- I am such a girl!


caron said...

Oh, man. Good luck with all that. It makes my head spin just thinking about it for you. One way or another the 2 weeks will come and go, and this will all be but a happy memory...
I'm not sure if this is information you want to post, but where are you and approximately where are you going to end up? Just curious :)

Katy said...

Wiping away tears...Are you sure you don't want to wait around until we sell our house too, and then we could move away together...come on it will be fun?!!

LOL about the enemies...there are definitely NOT many!!

Or, maybe you could just let Natalie live with us...think about it, and get back to me!! ;)

Katy said...

Just an FYI, Dan said yesterday, "I didn't think I was going to be so sad when Greg and Debra moved, but I sucks!"

We miss you, and it has only been, what? Two days!!

Mike said...

Hey Debra! I didn't know you had a blog, yet another way to communicate. I love the quotes from your girls on the side, they are so cute. I can't wait to see your new place!

Marce said...

Debra! So fun to come across your blog!! It made me realize how much we miss you guys. I want to see your new place! I can't believe you've moved. We'd love to see you guys any time! Hope all is well.

