Saturday, July 19, 2008

camera blues....

I'm so bummed! I cannot find my camera anywhere! I've torn my house apart and looked EVERYWHERE I can think of but there's no sign of it. And do you want to hear the worst of it... so many great events have happened since its been gone and I have nothing to show for it. Argh!

Greg and my theory is probably very pessimistic, but we think it was taken on Monday when a realator and whoever he brought with him went through the house we are renting. This is the ONLY time I haven't been here when someone walked through and since we are only renting this house, we have no idea which agency the realator was from. -sigh- Have I ever mentioned how much I hate renting.

If anyone can prove me wrong on this matter and find my long lost buddy I would love you forever and ever.


Angee said...

You're totally going to find it during the move. I'm afraid your bad camera luck is because you live next to the Drapers. I'm always having camera trouble - breaking, losing, leaving out in the sprinklers...

Katy said...

BUMMER!! You could figure out who came through your house (I think). Hopefully you find it, it isn't even losing the camera that bites, it is losing all the pictures.

Lynette said...

How sad! I'm sorry Debra! I hope you have some luck finding it!