Friday, July 25, 2008


I stop reading people's blogs for a week and look what I miss... a bunch of my friends' posting "memories" to their blogs. The comments were so much fun to read and it was so great to remember things that I can't help but join in on the fun.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I have together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see what memories people have of you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.


Amy said...

My mind has to go back 10 years! How have you been chick?
I remember that you are a very happy person...who jumped up and down a lot. We were in PLT together and do you still run?

Carrie said...

The memory that always comes to mind, is when you and I were both soooo sick with out first baby, and you STILL made me and Mark a wonderful dinner and brought it over to us. That has always meant so much, because I know how sick you were and how hard that must have been!

Melissa said...

I only have one memory of you...Since I've only met you once, at Jay's barbeque. I just remember that you were so nice, and our husbands had such a good time talking. I also wanted to tell you, that of all the blogs that I read (and there are a LOT) yours has the best playlist of songs. Even after I am done reading the new stuff, I always want to linger and listen...

Telisse and Kade said...

Your memory of me was too funny! I was laughing..... Too bad I dont have those arms you were talking about still. I try.......... lol
And I will never forget our near death experience or what we thought was a near death experience...... spin, scream, spin, scream all in unison and hanging out in the tire shop and not having to run!! Arb was so disgusted with us... I remember him getting upset because our car of girls was the junior jazz basketball players and he was disgusted that we were doing that during indoor track..... Thanks for the post Debra... I love bloggin!

Unknown said...

My memory of you happens every day while I'm driving and working. When I need a lift I think of your smile and enthusiasm, it picks me up. I'm so lucky to be your husband! Thanks for the boost, love you!

deleted said...

Oh there are way too many! I've known you for 15 years, that is more than half my lifetime! But I think one of my favorites was when you were dating Dennis, since he and I were great friends that is when you and I became really good friends - and you are such a great friend to have!

deleted said...

Debra, Mindy Young took my family pics. I did Skyler's hair with a 3 barrel curling iron, it takes a while, but it stays for 2-3 days! Sorry, I didn't know how else to answer your question.

Cougarg said...

My favorite memory was when we had english senior year at Bingham with Melinda! That was so much fun! And then it turned out that I didn't even go to Bingham, since I grew up in Florida! That was fun. I'm sure we could have been friends in HS, if I actually had gone to Bingham.

amelia said...

Hi Debra, thanks for the comment! I'm flattered you read it! And I love when people "unstalk" themselves...I'll never go private, so no worries. Ha, and now I'm confused...did we go to HS together? I grew up in California. Doug and I worked together for years at the DNews...and Teresa is in my current ward. I didn't even make the connection that they both went to Bingham until your comment! Did you go to Bingham with both of them?

Angee said...

i love your blog! it is so funny. Tell the kids they make me laugh!

Kristi said...

Hi, it's Kristi from Fish Lake. My memory is of you the first year at the cabin, staying up all night to scrapbook. You're crazy!
I borrowed your idea of "kids say the darnedest things". I thought that was adorable and a great way to remember those moments. I also put a comment on the "best weekend". Hope your doing well.