Saturday, April 19, 2008

Family History...

So I'm typing up my father-in-laws history and I actually am really enjoying it. Go figure... I mean, don't get me wrong, I always have found Greg's dad to be an amazing person but it is rather fun to read what has molded him into the man that I know and love today.

An excerpt out of his history...

"My earliest memory of this part of my life is living in a big “old” house on Washington Blvd and Twelfth Street. My mother and dad were engaged in remodeling and renovating this older house.
During one period of this process they would work every evening into the night sanding and refinishing the hard wood floors. I remember them working on the big kitchen floor. The reason why I specifically remember them working on the kitchen floor was because of “the event”. They had finally finished the kitchen floor and had the newly applied varnish on it. Mother had baked cookies the day of the evening they varnished the floor. Because the cookies were on the cupboard, they weren’t accessible to anyone-especially me. My mother told me not to get on the floor for the whole day while the floor dried—the cookies could wait until tomorrow. As the day progressed I studied how to get onto the counter top without touching the floor.

I made it! I was on the counter top without touching the floor. The return was easy. All I had to do was jump back to the hallway from which I had come. As I turned to position myself on the counter to jump, my leg bumped a can which tipped over. As it fell on its side, a gurgling sound came as the liquid poured off the counter onto the floor and began to run across the newly applied varnish.

I could see the damage that was being done by the liquid (which I now know to be varnish remover. ) My mother screamed, “What was that?!” I jumped and ran. I hid in the bathroom in a space between the old bath tub and the wall. I could see the doorway and I looked at the liquid running across the kitchen floor taking the new varnish with it. My mother went to the door to see what had happened. She just slumped onto the doorway floor, her back to the door jam, and sobbed.

To this day I can see in my minds eye the consequences of disobedience."

I am totally using this story for my kids.

1 comment:

Heather Adams said...

Yeah, I am so glad you commented on my blog because I have been looking for you!! How are you guys? We drove by your old house and Sydney said, "Are they still moving, because I miss Kaydee. We really do need to get them together!! Hope you guys are doing good, we miss you.