Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Toddler dreams . . .

Natalie woke up around 1 am calling to Greg and tried to communicate that I fell in the bathtub. Hmmm . . . I'm not sure where that came from. She was so sure that this really happened that it took him another twenty minutes to get her back into bed.

Then this morning, the first thing that she told each of us as we woke up was that mommy fell in the bathtub. I started to ask her lots of questions about the dream but since we are still in the deciphering stage with Natalie, it was a tad bit difficult to figure it out. Thus far what I think happened is that she was on the ceiling and I "catched" her, not caught but "catched" but as I was doing so I fell into the bathtub and got all of my clothes wet. I asked her if I got hurt and she said- with a real sad face- that mommy cried - waahhhh! Ha! Apparently I am quite the cry baby in her toddler dreams. ;)

Oh and one more thing... the same toddler informed me that my blog was grumpy (as she pointed to my profile picture) and so I've changed my picture. How do you like my cheeser?


Katy said...

Natalie is SO funny!! Look at you deciphering a toddler's dream...what a good mom. I usually say, have some water and go back to bed!!

Love the new picture, BTW...I felt a little threatened with the old one!! :P

sinika said...

I liked your old pic! But your new one is cute too. Plus- every morning I ask my boys if they remember their dreams- which they never do. I've only gotten to hear a few and I love it. (Sad ones not so much I guess.) So good to hear from you Debra! Are you just here in Lehi? We live so close- we should get together. Love seeing your cute family- such cute girls! Did you remember that we share the same middle name?

Marce said...


and i think you should have kept the old was like intimidation 101 to all those blog stalkers out there!