Sunday, August 24, 2008

Birthdays . . .

It's been a couple of weeks since my girls' birthdays and I am finally blogging about it, lame huh.

First off, the cakes... I live for birthday cake makin'. I am no professional by any sense of the word but its fun to see how happy it makes my girls.

Natalie was set on a Belle birthday cake. Actually, every time anyone would ask her what she wanted for her birthday her answer was one of two things, a Belle cake and Ellie (her bff) to call her and sing Happy Birthday. Natalie was SO excited when she saw the finished result. Yay!

Nicole's cake on the other hand, is a different story entirely. Nicole really wanted a colorful Strawberry Shortcake cake made with fondant. The problem? I have NO idea how to work with the stuff and during a move is NOT the best time to learn. I talked to her about our little dilemma... talked is probably too kind of a word, it was more of a plea and I was finally able to convince her that I needed another option on what to make. She then decided on a number eight cake with a Kim Possible figurine. As you can see in the picture above that she got her number eight...without the figurine. I looked everywhere for something that would work and came up with nothin'. Poor Nicole, she sure was a great sport about it though and was pretty pleased about her cake.

The actual days of their birthdays were pretty low key. We were still doing the moving thing on Nicole's birthday and we left for Park City on Natalie's. We did most of the celebrating after Nicole's baptism with family and friends.


Melissa said...

I LOVE the Belle cake. I need your directions on how to make it come April, I'm sure Savannah would just die, Belle is her favorite princess! I am so impressed with your cake making abilities. What lucky little girls :)

sweet pickles said...

Very impressive cake making skills. You'll have to teach me someday.

Katy said...

I'm amazed!! Your cakes look awesome!! Sorry that we are bad friends...Ellie didn't call on Natalie's bday (don't worry I spanked her!! :P).

deleted said...

I love the cakes! I wish I were that creative, I just buy Skyler's birthday cakes from the bakery or make cup cakes. Maybe I'll hire you to make one for next year!

miranda said...

Hey Debra!
It was good to see you on facebook and see your family on your blog. Looks like your doing well- we miss your family down south! Keep in touch, Congats Nicole on your baptism!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the girls have good sense in choosing role models--I wouldn't want my daughters (if I had them) taking after anyone else but Belle and Kim Possible.

Jessica said...

Jack wants me to keep coming to your blog so that he can see "matalie's" cake. Someday before they get married he'll learn to say it correctly. Look, I made a comment, aren't you proud?!