Wednesday, August 20, 2008

talent. . . .

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Yes....we are that talented.

Reserve us now for your next birthday party.


Katy said...

I love Jib Jab!! Greg should wear leotards all the time...he looks great!!

So, for Natalie's birthday I was actually planning on making her an apron (for her cute little pink kitchen), but I wanted to make Ellie's first just to see if I could do it...I've got the fabric, but I haven't made it yet (I know...Ellie's a bad friend!! :P ). I won't have it done by today when I come up (obviously), but I'll finish it this weekend!!

Telisse and Kade said...

I love jib jab.... no matter how many times I put my face on it or whoevers face I laugh so hard! I tried posting one to my blog once and after a few days it changed faces. Kindof creepy!