Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tra la la la la . . .

I am the Primary Chorister for my ward. Ya, I know . . . I was a little more than surprised when I received the calling myself because I am completely tone deaf and I can't carry a tune to save my life. I am having a ton of fun with it though.

I know you all are just itching to help me. I need ideas. I want to know what you remember from your primary days, activities that your primary chorister did to teach songs or keep reverence during singing time. Any and all ideas are welcome.

I'll even start the juices flowing for you because I am just that nice...

Greg's primary chorister used to put a big slab of red lipstick on her lips and if she saw anyone not singing she would kiss the child on the cheek. Ha, I know that wouldn't fly anymore, but it got the kids singing.


beth said...

My mom had a posterboard man whose legs get longer (pull out of the slot) when the kids need to sing louder and shorter when they should sing softer. There are different men for different holidays.

She had a green traffic light and a red traffic light for stop and go. And a pic of a boy for boys only and a pic of a girl for girls only.

She had parts to a posterboard witch for halloween and the kids would choose something (like the hat or the shoes) and there was a song they learned on the back they would sing.

I know there was a bean bag toss through a big piece of cardboard with cut out circles, but I can't remember how exactly that went.

I'll just say that I don't envy that job at all! Here is a place I go to get ideas a lot:

Heather said...

Debra, It has been forever! Sydney still talks about her friend, Kadee, that had to move!:( Congrats on your new calling, you will be fabulous! Go to the internet, there are some great websites with some fun ideas! Hope your family is doing well, we will have the get the kids together sometime!