Saturday, December 6, 2008

and she plays soccer too . . .

I'm playing soccer.
I know.... I totally agree.... I think there must be something majorly wrong with me to start up a new sport at my age.

After playing my first two games I have been reminded or totally convinced of a couple of things:
  • I am not as young as I think I am
  • I can talk myself out of throwing up
  • I bruise way too easily
  • Competitiveness is my nature. I enjoy slamming into the other team WAY too much and I am willing to sacrifice my body or breath in order to block that ball.
  • I need both of my eyes to work harmoniously to play soccer.
  • It's embarrassing when you kick the air and not the ball.


Angee said...

Debra - YOU ROCK! I have to say that I so admire you. The way you have learned this game and get out there and do slam the other old ladies into the wall. I love playing with you. It is fun, isn't it. Even if we are out of shape and aren't sure what we are doing...

Katy said...

Debra that is so cool!! I want to come to a game and watch.

Stephanie said...

I think it is awesome! Better than trying to run sprints with me!!

Debra said...

Angee, you're the best team meet that any girl could ask for. Seriously...if it wasn't for your cheering everyone on while you were doing your killer moves, I don't think anyone would have made it through either game.

and Katy... that is so not going to happen unless by some miracle I get really good by the end of the season. Hey,no arguing on this issue. I know you'd be comparing me to that Beckham fellow the whole time and the truth is, there's just no comparison. I'm just so much better. ;)

Stephanie, Nothin' better than sprinting it out with you. good times, aye. My shins hurt just thinking about it.

Marce said...

Debra, i am so jealous! sounds like a blast. where do you play? i need to do something like that to get myself back into shape...........we'd love to come cheer you on sometime!

Lynne said...

Debra, you're so cute. I didn't know about this competitive side. I never would have guessed that you enjoyed body slamming. You are awesome! Your kids are adorable and you know I love Greg. I miss you guys.