Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy . . . .

Don't worry, I rated this post:

E for everyone. No need to run the little ones out of the room before you devour this post because its not what you think.


Its about how my extremely adorable Kaydee lost another one of her extremely adorable teeth. It had been loose for days, no more like weeks but she refused to pull it out. You see, she had this incredible idea that if she waited to lose her tooth until Christmas Eve, the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus would come to our house the same night and they might even run into each other and then she would be the reason why the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus would finally meet!

Quite an amazing plan if you ask me, there's just one huge problem with it-- she has me for a mother. Me, a.k.a. the overly paranoid mother that kept a way too close eye on the ever loosening tooth and was sure if it stayed in her droll little mouth one more night she would swallow it whole.

Needless to say, Kaydee lost her tooth tonight. It wasn't all that bad. The other two girls and I cheered Kaydee on for a good two hours past normal bedtime to get the duty done. The new plan? We put the tooth in a bag with a request for the Tooth Fairy:

"Dear Tooth Fairy, Please don't come to take my tooth until December 24th.
Thank you, Kaydee"

We wrote 'Dec. 24th' instead of Christmas Eve in the request on purpose in hopes that the Tooth Fairy won't remember that they are one in the same dates, that way she will be totally surprised to see Santa when she comes. Cross your fingers. I hope our plan works.

Stay tuned ....

1 comment:

deleted said...

that is too cute! you are the second friend to have a post about the tooth fairy! At our house the tooth fairy left $5 for the 1st tooth, $1 for the second and we told Skyler if she loses another one she has to pay the tooth fairy $2! She was all for it, she doesn't even care about getting money from her, totally willing to pay her to come take her tooth away! Anyway, that is a brilliant plan to have santa and the tooth fairy meet!