Thursday, March 5, 2009

29 is definitely the new 63 . . .

First and foremost I just have to say that my eternal companion absolutely rocks. and I love him. Even if he hacks into my blog and pleas for comments . . . . Love you babe.

So I turned the ripe old age of 29 yesterday yet I feel much, much older right now. At least my body does. -sigh- I'm falling apart and I'm getting wrinkly... shouldn't that start happening when I'm in my sixties? I'm not saying sixty is old by any means, its just by then I'm sure to have grandkids and then I could at least justify falling apart a little bit better. Oh well--stiff upper lip, right?

Now more about my simply amazing birthday.
Not only did Greg break into my computer and put up an extra cheesy picture of me, he and the fam gave me breakfast in bed along with the best gift ever (see above). These lovely shoes have been sitting in my closet for almost two months now just waiting for my birthday morning so I can enjoy their eco-friendliness and I'm not sure that's even a word.

Seriously excited about these beauties though-- not only because the color puts a smile on my face but more importantly they're so stinkin' comfortable (see I told you I'm getting old).

The rest of my birthday was spent taming a wicked bad headache, answering phone calls, greeting unexpected visitors at my door, smiling everytime I got a comment on my blog and feeling majorly popular because of facebook. I even got to go to 2 hours of physical therapy. um, Yay?

After physical therapy, I went to my in-law's where they had put together my all time favorite dinner in a 'to go' box so I could just take it home to eat it with my family. Isn't that just the best present ever? And then upon arriving home, I found Greg doing the finishing touches on the home made cake that he and the girls made. He even made the delicious lemony orange frosting from scratch. I know, I'm spoiled.

and Just for the record... there are, in fact, 29 candles on the cake. I wasn't, however, able to blow all of them out. maybe next year.

It was such a great birthday.
If it was pain free, it would have been the perfect.

and yes, I'm fully aware of the appearance of myself, my kids and my house in the last picture. Its as real as it gets. paper plates, pouts and all. gotta love it.


beth said...

Glad you had a great birthday!
So what was this dinner you had? Looks like fruit in tortillas... :)

Debra said...

Ha ha! It does look like fruit in tortillas doesn' it... We had tacos which in my house is defined by soft shelled tacos with lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, olives, and sometimes black beans. and then you put ketchup on top. Yep I said ketchup. delicious.