Thursday, March 5, 2009

CREATE . . .

Wait! Stop and Hold your horses. Before you read this post you need to turn off the music on the side of my blog. Seriously. If you don't this post just will NOT be a pleasant experience. Believe me on this one.

Along with everything else that made my birthday absolutely wonderfuls, my good friend Jessica told me about this video clip on good ol' youtube, and then she sent me the link because she's one of those friends that really makes my life great. (thanks)

I hope you enjoy this clip as much as I did. Its thought provoking, inspiring and I just love President Uchtdorf. Its a dandy for sure.

Betcha can't guess what's going to be on my new 'to do' list from now on . . .


Becca said...

Thank you so much. That is really delicious food for thought. I think I'll be feasting on that one for awhile now.

Stephanie said...

It comes from a talk he gave in conference and the talk is absolutely amazing if you haven't read it. It is on my top ten list.

The Rissa and Alex Family said...

That is an amazing video. Thank you for posting that.