Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Carpool . . .

I carpool with the best of ladies. Seriously. I am so lucky to be part of their child taxiing group... 'cept I think that they may be ready to trade me in soon. Especially after the stunt I pulled the other day.

Imagine, if you will, this little scenario...

My turn was coming up to drive the kids in the morning, which means not only having the kids up and at 'em, ready, fed and out the door at 7:40 am but myself as well. No promblemo, right? Ya, if it wasn't for my horrid headaches and lack of sleep. Since my friend knows of my situation, and being the ultra sweetypants that she is, days before it's my turn to drive in the mornings she pleads and begs for the privilege to do it instead. She asks at least a dozen times and every time I tell her, "no, I can totally handle it."

Fast forward to the first day that I'm supposed to drive for the week...

8 minutes before school starts, there's a knock at the door. and then another.

I'm dead asleep-- as is everyone else in the Debra Lea household, the knocking continues and I semi- wake up, look at the clock and tell Kaydee to tell the neighbors to "go ahead without us."

Then the realization runs through my body. I'M supposed to drive. I jump out of bed but am so dizzy from the meds and waking up from such a deep sleep that my body is teetering all over the place. I try to grasp on anything to keep my body upright all the while trying to explain to a just waking up Greg that he needs to drive the carpool today. I look out the window to see the confused fifth grade neighbor tell her mother that we told her to go ahead. I grimace from embarrassment and scramble around frantically to try to find my cell phone. By then my other friend (the one that offered over and over...) has already pulled around the corner to do my duty.


Then I can't remember my friend's cell phone number (the one that is now driving the kids to school) to explain and apologize. So I call my next door neighbor friend and tearfully apologize and explain the whole situation to her. I explain that I'm nuts. That plus not falling asleep until past 4 a.m. for a week, a dandy of a headache + a prescription that I rarely choose to take, but I took the night before= a really crazy Debra Lea--
that's barely standing.

I'm really crying now.

I tell her how our other friend asked me over and over if she could drive but that I thought I could handle it. and This is how I handle it. Then I burst into laughter. Uncontrollable laughter. which is apparently contagious because my friend was laughing just as hard as I. -whew- because I tell you what, if she weren't, this whole situation could have been REALLY embarrassing.

and then she brought me dinner that night.
I couldn't ask for better carpooling friends. or friends period.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Debra, I love it. Just like Jason Hall said. You can either cry of laugh! So glad you ended up laughing :)