We love stories in the Debra Lea home. We love to read 'em and tell 'em and most of all we LOVE to listen to them. So when this years Storytelling Competition came up in the girls school of course I coaxed them into trying out. And guess what, they both did a fantastic job and they both made it to grade level. Nicole did so great retelling the story "Up Up Down" by Robert Munsch and just between you and me, I think it pretty suspicious that the book she picked got to say that mom and dad are dirty rascals, hmmm..... And Kaydee also did a fabulous job doing "Silly Sally" by Audrey Wood. I was especially proud with how well she did with all the 's' and 'sh' sounds. They're tough and she did them beautifully.
I have a great life. I'm a mom of three very energetic -yet delightful- girls, one very handsome little boy, a wife of the fabulous Greg, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
"I need some more human cookies" declares Andew (age 4) Aug. 9 , 2014 (What??) It took me a while to figure out that he was referring to the E. L. Fudge.
"It's not about winning... it's about Jacob eating cookies!" Andrew says while walking down the stairs with his best friend Jacob. (age 4, Aug 9, 2014)
Natalie lost her first tooth tonight. Being my child that is deathly afraid of wind, she said, "Hopefully the tooth fairy will fly here safe, it sure is windy out there". May 23, 2012
"Dad don't go on that big fat loser... I'll miss you too much." Natalie to daddy as she is patting his tummy during the premier of Biggest Loser. January 4. 2010
"Can you set Andrew for 5 o'clock?" Nicole asks, hoping he'll be her alarmclock. January 2, 2011
Conversation from the back seat at approx 11:38pm : "I'm going to wake you up tomorrow real early" says Natalie.
"No! You better not .... or you're going to pay. " Kaydee (the one that loves to sleep) warns.
"But I don't have any money." Natalie's innocent response. Dec. 30, 2011
"Again?! You must be famous." Natalie concludes to me after I received yet another text. November 22, 2010
"I'm a T.V. fan." Natalie says one night during football season. "cuz I like to watch T.V." Nov. 19, 2010.
While watching "UP" today, Natalie (who just finished up preschool) said, "That boy can read real well.... maybe he's in Kindergarten." May 26, 2010
"You're so smart" I say to Kaydee and she responds with, "and I'm even smart without my glasses on." May 1, 2010
After getting sent to her room, Natalie says, "for the rest of my life?!" April 23, 2010
While sorting jelly bellys, Natalie says, "Dad, the black and brown ones want to meet in my tummy. But I don't like them to." March 2, 2010
As Natalie is watching Snow White she asks for an apple, a "not poison apple, please" :) December 22, 2009
"Jesus says that BOTH of us have to win." Natalie says to Kaydee after losing to her. May 21, 2009
Natalie, after spinning around a bunch of times, said, "whoa whoa whoooooaaa I am BUSY!" May 20, 2009
I asked Natalie what she wanted to be when she grew up. "Taller, taller ... up to the sky" was her answer. Feb 15, 2008.
Kaydee handed her empty plate to Greg and he asked her if she got any ham. In response, "You gotta be kidding me-- I LOVE ham!" Feb 8, 2009.
After testing Natalie a while on random colors in the room, I wanted to see what she would say to the color turquoise. She squinted at it and then at me and said, "I can't know this color." Feb. 8, 2009.
"Okie dokie" giggle giggle giggle.... Natalie in response to the 'homework' assignment that I gave her to keep her busy while I helped her sisters' with theirs. January 28, 2009
Helping Nicole with her math homework tonight, we were discussing different kinds of angles. After showing her the difference between an obtuse, acute and right angle, she pointed to one of her math problems, "And is this one a left angle?" January 28, 2009
"I can take it from here mom" Kaydee told me when I was walking her into her school. January 26, 2009
"I want glitter teeth!" Natalie told me after seeing Kaydee's new silver teeth she got from the dentist. Jan. 7, 2009
"Don't grumpy me!" said Natalie after Greg and I got after her for not going to bed. Oct 12, 2008
Natalie was pretending to be a pirate so naturally I screamed at her fierce pirate look. In response Natalie says, "Not AHHH! mom, ARRRRRG". My mistake. Aug 10, 2008.
After getting our kids into bed and getting Nicole a drink of water, Greg asked Kaydee if she needed anything before bed, her response, "a cheese pizza without pepperoni would be nice"-April 26, 2008
"Sooorrrry Mike." Natalie (2) to her grown-up cousin Mike after she spilled a cup of ice water on his lap and then again when she dropped her spoonful of lasagna on his leg.-March 31, 2008
"I've got my eyes on you" Kaydee (4) to Greg as he was changing the channel on the t.v.- December 8 2007
"Stop--you're weirding me out" Kaydee (4) says to me while I am playing the air guitar. - Jan. 4, 2008
"It smells like someone's poopie" Nicole, sitting next to Grandma and her blue cheese covered steak. - Aug. 10, 2006
Nicole (3 but getting ready for her 4th birthday) "What's Toys R Us' number?"
Dad "224-4448"
Nicole "Okay great, where's 2448 on the phone?" -July 2004
"Boy Oh Boy!" Natalie waiting for Ratatouille to start. Dec. 30, 2007
Kaydee passed gas one night and said, "Oops--excuse me-- that was my bottom. It was so happy it wanted to sing a lullaby." - December 9, 2007
"My mom can only LAY girls" Kaydee, a couple of weeks after our poison dart frogs laid eggs. -January 25, 2008
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