Wednesday, January 14, 2009

p.s. The tooth fairy did come . . . .

So I realize that I failed to post about the incredible happening that took place in the debra lea household on Christmas Eve. The Tooth fairy did in fact come at the same time as Santa Claus and I guess they had quite a conversation. The result? Kaydee got a letter>>>>>

and since this is such a horrible picture of the letter because its in pencil (apparently she couldn't find a pen that late at night) I'll type what the tooth fairy wrote . It says:
Dear Kaydee,

I met Santa! Thanks to you I was able to talk to him about eating too many cookies on Christmas Eve, it's bad for his teeth. He promised to carry around a toothbrush from now on.
The Tooth Fairy

and then she left a dollar bill.

Such a happy day Christmas morning was. The note was found and thrilled about way before any of the presents were even open. Well I guess not way before...since the note was on the coffee table and the presents were mere feet away from it, but still. It put a smile on all of our faces first.

Thank you tooth fairy.

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